Bachelor Degree in Metallurgical Engineering

The School of Metallurgical Engineering offers an intensive Bachelor Degree program in Metallurgical Engineering such that our graduates are competent in their metallurgical engineering field, being capable of analyzing and solving problems in metallurgical processes along with their ethics and professional responsibility.

Program title  : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Metallurgical   Engineering

Degree title  : Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgical Engineering)
B.Eng. (Metallurgical Eng.)

Total credit  : 191 credits

Career prospects in Metallurgical Engineering

• Metallurgical Engineer
• Process Engineer
• Process Design Engineer
• Product Design Engineer
• Quality Control EngineerLecturer or Researcher
• Technical Sale Engineer

Program Specification

approved by the Council of Engineering under the regulated engineering profession (Mining Engineers – Metallurgical Works) The School of Metallurgical Engineering has initiated the first Bachelor Program since 1995 and been constantly reformed to focus on outcome based learning, complied with the Thailand Qualifications Framework for higher education. All curriculums have also been